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Conference Papers
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A Hierarchical and Divisive Cluster Analysis of Rainfall Spatio-Temporal Pattern of Iran November 205
The Determination of Regional Rainfall Climates of Iran based on Time Series Modeling November 2005
Climate variability in Arid region of Iran (Rainfall Data) October 2005
Trend analysis of rainfall and effect of it on water resources in Iran July 2009
Journal Papers
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Classification of Spatio-Temporal Pattern of Rainfall in Iran Using A Hierachical and Divisive Cluster Analysis Fall 2006
The Use of Time Series Modeling for the Determination of Rainfall Climates of Iran March 2007
Analysis of MODIS Snow-Cover Map Changes During Missing Data Period Summer 2008
Application of Peak Over Threshold Model for Seasonal Low Flow Variation Analysis (Case Study:Halilroud River) Winter 2009
Bioclimatic classification of Isfahan province using multivariate statistical methods October 2009
Monthly Runoff Estimation Using Artificial Neural Networks June 2009
Bioclimatic classification of Chahar-Mahal & Bakhtiari province using multivariate statistical methods Winter 2011
Trend Analysis of Temperature Parameters in Iran August 2012
Rainfall and Rainy days Trend in Iran June 2012
Probabilistic flood inundation mapping of ungauged rivers: Linking GIS Techniques and frequency analysis August 2012
Determination of water requirements of the Gavkhuni wetland, Iran: A hydrological approach November 2013
Developing an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Model to Predictthe Maximum Daily Discharge Using 5-day CumulativeRainfall Spring 2014
Application of L-moments and Bayesian inference for low flow regionalization in Sefidroud basin, Iran February 2014
Remote sensing technology for mapping and monitoringvegetation cover (Case study Semirom-Isfahan Iran) Spring 2014
Determining Air Pollution Potential Using GeographicInformation Systems and Multi-criteria Evaluation A CaseStudy in Isfahan Province in Iran February 2015
Determination of Environmental Water Requirements ofthe Gavkhuni Wetland Iran A Comparison of Ecologicaland Hydrological Approaches Winter 2016
Externalities of Nomadic Livestock s Utilization fromKhafr-Sivar Rangelands from Water RegulationPerspective Fall 2016
Influence of southern oscillation on autumn rainfall inIran (1951-2011) April 2016
Habitat mapping as a tool for water birds conservationplanning in an arid zone wetland The case study Hamunwetland June 2016
Assessment of Flood Damage on Humans Infrastructureand Agriculture in Ghamsar Watershed Using HEC-FIASoftware August 2017
Effects of Climatic Factors and Soil Salinity on theDistribution of Vegetation Types Containing AnabasisAphylla in Iran A Multivariate Factor Analysis January 2017
Assessment of the Climate Change Impacts on FloodFrequency (Case Study Bazoft Basin Iran) July 2017
Assessment of PDI MPDI and TVDI drought indicesderived from MODIS Aqua/Terra Level 1B data in naturallands March 2017
Regionalization of Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequencyusing a Simple Scaling Model October 2017
Application of Remote Sensing in MonitoringUnsustainable Wetlands: Case Study Hamun Wetland November 2018
Identify areas susceptible to flooding and assess thedamage using software HEC-FIA (Case study Ghamsarwatershed) Winter 2018
The study of thermal pattern changes using Landsat-derived land surface temperature in the central part ofIsfahan province May 2018
Wetland restoration prioritizing a tool to reduce negativeeffects of drought An application of multicriteria spatialdecision support system (MC0SDSS) March 2018
A scenario-based modeling of climate change impacts onthe aboveground net primary production in rangelands ofcentral Iran September 2018
Evaluating the effect of ocean-atmospheric indices ondrought in Iran November 2019
Wetland Restoration Prioritization Using Artificial NeuralNetworks Spring 2019
Human and Climate Effects on the Hamoun Wetlands July 2019
Evaluating the variability of ANPP in central Iranian aridand semi-arid rangelands using CASA model and itsrelationship with climatic factors June 2019
Interaction Effects of Dust and Water Deficit Stresses onGrowth and Physiology of Persian Oak (Quercus brantiiLindl.) Fall 2020
Negative impacts of nomadic livestock grazing oncommon rangelands function in soil and waterconservation March 2020
Spatiotemporal response of rangeland NPP to drought incentral Iran based on SPDI index Spring 2020
A new approach to explore climate change impact onrainfall intensity-duration-frequency curves November 2020
Regional Frequency Analysis of Drought Severity andDuration in Karkheh River Basin - Iran Using UnivariateL-Moments Method Winter 2020
Investigating net primary production in climate regions ofcentral Zagros using MODIS and meteorological data Spring 2021
Investigating the Performance of NDDI index for dust mapping of arid lands (Khuzestan Province) August 2022
Assessing agrometeorological drought trends in Iranduring 1985-2018 August 2022
Effect of Enso indices on meteorological drought in the midwest of Iran June 2022
Study on some environmental factors effects on Salvia multicaulis Vahl. essential oil composition in Hamadan province December 2022
The effect of snow cover area and duration changes on vegetation cover in Chaharmal and Bakhtiari Province February 2022
Saeid Soltani [PDF] from Investigating the relationship between meteorological and hydrological drought for present and future using the in the semi-arid basins using SWAT model based on Climate Change … December 2022
Interaction Effects of Dust and Water Deficit Stresses on Growth and Physiology of Persian Oak (Quercus Brantii Lindl.) February 2022
Evaluating hydrological SWAT model in runoff simulation of Karkheh Watershed August 2022
Prediction of net primary production changes in different phytogeographical regions of Iran from 2000 to 2016, using time series models. February 2022
Evaluating the Impact of Land Use Change on Increasing Runoff in Khorramabad Watershed Via HEC-HMS Model August 2022
Effects of ecological factors on phenolic compounds inSalvia multicaulis Vahl (Lamiaceae) August 2022
Correction to: Regionalization of rainfall intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) curves with L-moments method using neural gas networks February 2023
Investigation of the effects of climate change on hydrological drought and pattern detection for severe climatic conditions using CCT and SWAT models in the semi-arid region … September 2023
Effects of teleconnection indices on net primary production (NPP) in bioclimatic zones of Iran January 2023
Investigation of the relationship of NINO4 and NAO indices with meteorological drought in synoptic stations in northern Iran June 2023
Effects of teleconnection indices on net primary production (NPP) in bioclimatic zones of Iran Winter 2023
Investigating River Flow Normalization Methods and Introducing a New Method May 2023
Analysis of externality costs of livestock grazing enterprise in semi‑arid rangelands March 2023
Prioritizing the construction of watershed check dams using spatial multi-criteria evaluation model (Case study: Dorahan watershed) May 2023
Tradeoff between production and regulation functions of semi-arid rangelands March 2023
Accommodating uncertainty in soil erosion risk assessment: Integration of Bayesian belief networks and MPSIAC model September 2023
Assessing the climate change effects on climate variables and meteorological drought using the Climate Change Toolkit in Karkheh River Basin, Iran January 2024

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